Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Five months!!

If it seems like I just wrote that four month post, it's probably because I did. :) We're back on track, though, and our little man is now FIVE whopping months!

His new thing this month is that last week he learned how to jump. He hates to sit still and won't really sit on your lap unless he's standing, so we got him a doorway jumper a couple months ago, thinking he'd love it. Up to this point he only lasted about ten minutes in it, because all he would do is swivel around with one leg and suck on the side. With his new skill, though, he's good for a loooong time--hurrah! Dinners are getting significantly better around here...

A few more things about five-month Colban?

1. He had his first time at the beach. He loooved the waves, and curling those little toes in the sand.

2. He's riding in the big stroller now...he got much too squirmy to ride in the carseat. He is a happy camper about this change. We can also go for a lot longer stroller rides now!
 3. He can hold his own bottle! ...and has enough hair on top to do a little spike :)
No new big "milestones"...he's almost able to sit up, but still needs a little support. He's been exploring his new range of sounds, and today added ba-ba-ba to the repertory :)
I'm pretty tempted to start giving him solid foods, just for the fun of it, but I'm holding off til at least a little closer to the six month mark, or at least until he can sit without much support. He is SUPER interested in what we are eating and drinking, though. Yesterday we were eating in the car on the way to the beach and he threw a little tantrum when I wouldn't share my burger with him, haha.

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