This story begins a couple days before Father's Day last year, when I started suspecting there might be something up. I was feeling ravenously hungry, like how you feel when you haven't eaten all day and you'd better eat something soon or feel sick, and I was pretty sure I knew why. Yay! I didn't tell Miles, because a)I wasn't sure yet and wanted to test, and b)if I WAS pregnant, telling him on Father's Day would be too fun. We had a pregnancy test from the dollar store(thanks, Kira, haha!), and I bought another to make up for any dollar store-ness that might throw the results, and sneakily hid them in the bathroom, where Miles would never look(with the curling irons :)). Saturday morning I got up early and took the tests while Miles was still asleep(my heart was pounding so fast!!), and sure enough--two little pink lines on both of them! Yippee!!! Now was the hardest part...
I had to wait a whole day until telling Miles, and I am NOT a good secret keeper when it is something exciting. I almost told Miles what his Christmas presents were like five times this year.
Anyway, I made a little card that said something like, "you're the BEST husband ever, my BEST friend, and going to be the BEST dad ever someday." Something like that. Then I wrapped up the pregnancy tests in a little box that said this inside:
I've never been so excited for a Father's Day gift in my life! |
Eight weeks, and I thought I might be showing a little :) |
Finally it's Father's Day morning and I give him his gift...I am sooooo excited...
He reads the card, opens the box, and...nothing. I'm thinking, "Oh no, is he not as excited as I am?" I ask if he knows what it is, and he's like, "pregnancy tests. What am I going to do with these?"
:D I guess he had just sort of "skimmed" the writing on the lid of the box...
"Honey, they're
positive! You're going to be a daddy!!!"
I asked him a few days ago what the happiest moments of his life were, and that was one of the first ones he said. He was SO excited, and I know he's going to be the most amazing dad in the world to our little boy. He already makes me the happiest wife there could be!
Nineteen weeks...time to break out some stretchy pants! |
I've been super lucky in that I didn't ever get sick or that uncomfortable...pretty much I just feel like myself with a big belly. Yesterday I tested it out, and I can still comfortably ride my bike at 40 weeks. Go figure. I do wonder, though, if this means that our little guy plans to stay inside for a lot longer. I have my fingers crossed not to have to be induced.
22 weeks with Jenn, who was ?18 weeks? |
25 weeks
My sister Jenn and my sister-in-law Michelle are also pregnant, which is pretty much the best thing ever. This way I have a stash of sisters who are never TOO tired of all the pregnancy questions I have. A couple things that were surprising to me?
1. At night I can only sleep on my left side. On the other side or my back I start feeling kinda sick. I am sooooooo excited to be able to just do whatever at bedtime again! For some reason in the morning it doesn't matter. :)
2. Any skin that is stretching is ITCHY. No one warned me about that one.
3. Higher body temperature & increased blood volume = sweaty beast! All I can say is that I salute anyone who's had a baby due in July or August.
Jump to 34 weeks, and my awesome Christmas decorations |
One thing I love is how friendly and nice people are to pregnant ladies. I think it just finally gives people something easy to approach you about, and complete strangers will start up conversations with me wherever I go. And I'm not talking about the lady who yelled out her car window to ask what my due date was as I crossed the crosswalk... :)
35 weeks |
FACT: "Nesting" is amazing. I got so many things done in the past couple months that have been on my to do list for oh, a YEAR. Like painting all the trim and baseboards in our house. I wish I could say that our house now looks like a Martha Stewart/Pinterest miracle makeover, but it does look a whole lot cleaner with the bright white trim.
36 weeks, and ready for some painting of all the trim. Miles's
comment when he saw this picture was "yehar ye matey"... |
Ok, and the final(for now) picture: TA-DAAAA! I think it looks pretty much the same as I do right now, and since I actually still have my hair in a towel today we'll skip the 40 weeks pic for the moment. :D
39 weeks...allllmost there! |
Things I'm looking forward to with the greatest anticipation:
1. Holding our little son! Seeing his teeny little face and hands for real!
2. Seeing my amazing husband as a dad for the first time(and I wonder what he'll be like when I'm in labor?)
3. Laying on my stomach!!! and back!
4. Eating raw cookie dough
5. Tying my shoes without sitting down and doing the man style leg-cross
6. Getting up from bed without making grunting sounds
7. Dressing him in all the to-die-for cute outfits people have gifted us! Warning: I may be one of those crazy picture moms.
8. All the firsts; smile, laugh, outing in the jogging stroller :)
9. Wearing all my other pants again someday! Yaaaay!
10. Oh yeah, and finding that elusive NAME for our little guy! We're determined to decide by the time we leave the hospital, though, so don't worry!
FACT: You look gorgeous in all these pictures, even the pirate one. FACT: You do NOT look 39 weeks pregnant in that last picture. Steven and I saw a lady once whose belly literally looked like a torpedo. It was pointy and made her look like she was longer out that she was tall. Also, all of my pregnant friends and/or wardies have bellies that hang really low. So...I don't know, maybe you've been counting wrong and you're only half done. ;) FACT: I am super excited for you guys to be parents but also it feels really surreal! I can't really imagine it yet, but I can't wait to see the little guy!! Ahhhh!!! Any day now!
ReplyDeleteOnly half done...what a heart-stopping thought! :) Definitely surreal! I think I won't really be able to imagine it either until we actually have him here. "Is that ba-had?"