Friday, September 21, 2012

Girl or boy? Oh baby!

Now, before you get too excited, we don't find out until this next Tuesday. But since I can't get all the family together and do a party(yeah...I really wanted to make blue and pink cupcakes or something, haha) here's where you get to guess, and we'll see who's right! Hint: it's not twins.

Here's what we have to go off:

Due date: February 12, 2013(that puts us at five months)

1st ultrasound picture:
Jelly bean baby! 

2nd ultrasound picture:
Hehe...boy? Just kidding, but this one cracked us up!

 3rd ultrasound picture:
See the profile?

Aaaand, for Rebekah and Melanie, here's what baby looks like from the outside :) I tried to pull my shirt back so you could see the bump really well. :) This was the pic that showed it best, but it also might be sticking out just a little. Oh well! I'll do more later, and have Miles take the pics. 

We don't have any preference...we'll just be excited for a healthy, happy baby! 

FYI: all Miles's brothers and his sister have had girls so far(7 total), and on my side there are 3 nephews, 1 niece, and one well-dressed cat.

So! What do you think? Boy or girl?



  1. Cat. Definitely a well-dressed cat.

  2. I believe statistically speaking there are more boys than girls born (like 51% when you look at the human race) so I guess I will go with boy!

  3. I think we need another girl! I vote girl!
