Monday, July 15, 2013

Eat Mor Chikin...Date Night #2

If you know me you know that I love to find free fun things to do. It's even better to me when these things involve food. I think I am truly obese at heart...I just really like food a lot, guys. Anyway, for free, fun, and good food-ish activities this date night might be hard to top.

About a week ago I found out that Chick-Fil-A was having their annual customer appreciation day, aka Cow Appreciation Day. The deal was, if you dress up like a cow from head to toe, you get a free meal.  I was stoked about this idea, and pretty soon I had Miles on board with me. The best part was, it fell on a Friday, niiiiiight!

When Friday night came around we pulled out our mad cow-costume making skills, and I must say I am pretty proud of what we came up with! It wasn't even Halloween!

Here are the results:

Can you even tell it's us? Just kidding.
Colban was the cutest little smiler, but for some reason we could NOT get a picture of it. Every time Miles would take a picture Colban would change his expression right at the last second. So you'll have to use your imagination.
Except here. This picture turned infinitely better than anyone could imagine.
Oooh, check out my big muscle! haha
 You may also notice that Colban only has a hat...erhm...ears. You'd be surprised how long it takes to tape a bunch of spots on, and we figured we'd better just get going before we got too close to bedtime for him. The best part was, there were a ton of other people there dressed up with us! The others just got to admire our bovine loveliness and wish they also had a free dinner. :)

AAAaaaand the final picture! By this time I had lost a spot or two, but I still think we look a whole lot better than the cow we're standing next to!
Is it just me, or does this cow have a beak?


  1. You guys are hilarious! Jett and I should have done this!

    1. I should have given you a heads up! Next time, next time...

  2. We did this too! Chick-Fil-A is the best and you guys look so cute :)

    1. I want to see your pictures!!! I bet you were adorable!
