After looking for what seemed like forever, suddenly in the past two or three weeks everything has fallen together. I'm trying to think of what I learned from my four months of unemployment, because I know that whenever things don't go according to MY plan, it's always been because there's a better plan out there.
I was thinking, and some of the blessings I can see from that long wait are: I learned to type (finally! that has been looming over my head for years), I had time to set up my violin studio the way I wanted to, I really really REALLY value the time I have together with Miles, had free time to get to know some people in our ward and go on adventures, and learned that my attitude has everything to do with how I feel about my day. Also how much work I put into things!
Anyway, so now the waiting is over. I have three great little violin students and have a part time job as a nanny for two kids that live at the beach. Here is a pic of one of my work the beach! ---------->

<---this part here actually
was hard work, and I still don't really know what possessed me to go down all those stairs with a stroller. Don't worry, though; I had the older one walk and held the little one, and we went slow, despite the 3-yr-old's encouragement to "let go of the stroller! Let it bounce down all by itself!" :) I know it's not the most prestigious job in the world, but it is one of my very favorite things ever!
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