Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Honeymoon number 4, and counting!

Yesterday Miles started his new job as assistant facilities manager for the church in our area. First item of business? The regional fm meeting, of course! This means that we are now back in a hotel complete with hot water, a nice bed, a microwave, and...a fridge!!! We realized a couple days ago that so far we have been honeymooning ever since we got married--Bahamas, then Florida, then Springville for a week, then california, Springville, our new place, and here!

Today's funny little miracle? Miles is at meetings all day, but since it's raining outside and I mostly just need to job hunt, we decided to send him with the car. When lunch time rolled around...and around...and around again, I realized that they wouldn't get a lunch break to come back, and there weren't ANY restaurants within walking distance without a coat/umbrella. I went down to the front desk where there were snacks for sale, but there was no normal food left, just treats. Disaster! Just as I was thinking of going for a jog in the rain, the receptionist said she had to go to the bank soon and would love to pick something up for me, and after wondering what to do (I have no cash on me) I remembered the Wendy's giftcard someone gave us as a wedding gift. A-HA! So...I got lunch, the receptionist got a very grateful thankyou, and Wendy's got a little chunk of giftcard. See? This is honeymoon luck for sure!

Oh, and the MOST exciting fact of the day so far? One of my missionaries wrote and said that there is a stake announced for Russia! On June 5th Elder Russell M. Nelson will come and organize it! That is the first stake EVER in that whole country!!!! And when there is a stake, then there can be a temple someday!

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