Friday, July 22, 2011

The big news

After about a million years, or really just sixteen or so, I've finally learned how to type! And along with that, I also have some mad backspacing skills.
Okay, so somehow I made it through all those middle-school programs by memorizing what I had to type and looking at my fingers. The result: I could type about 40 wpm with three of my fingers but was lost in a dark room :)
So... this week I found a free typing teacher thing online, and now I'm up to about 30 wpm NOT looking at one little finger. Yay! No laughing, all you master typists out there...I don't think I could have even typed 10 wpm before without looking!

The other GREAT news is that after playing in church on Sunday, a couple moms came and asked about violin lessons! I totally forgot that that might be a side benefit of playing in church, and I'm glad, because I would have felt guilty if I felt like I was advertising. So now I'm in the process of setting that all up and emailing back and forth with the moms, and hopefully this will be the beginning of my little studio that I've been working on. I'm so excited!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Surprise date night!

Yay! I know you are all excited for another blog post! well, here it is!
Okay, so no, we did not take either of the pictures above, but they could have been taken by us. If only we didn't always leave the phone in the car on these occasions. Shucks. BUT to explain the pics, last night we decided to go to Seal Beach. We live 15-25 min from the beach, and we decided that it had been way too long since we took advantage of that fact.
Anyway, we got there and walked down the beach a little, when suddenly Miles got all excited because he thought he saw a snorkeler. Here I should pause and explain that snorkeling is on Miles's top ten list of BEST things in the world. I looked closer, and no, it was a fin! SHARKS! There was a loudspeaker telling everyone to stay close to shore. But I was wrong again. What we saw were actually 3 or 4 dolphins, just swimmin along, only about 50 yards from us! Funny, I've never seen a single seal at "Seal Beach," but now I've seen live dolphins for the first time in my life.
The other non-sealy animal abounding at Seal Beach is sand crabs. One of Miles and my favorite pastimes is catching these little fellas. You dig around a little right after the wave comes up, and you are sure to find some of these. They're SO fun! Some are just teensy, like pinky fingernail size, and the biggest we've found was maybe a tad bigger than the size of the one in the picture. I have thought of making them my pets, but Miles wants to eat them. It looks like the latter option is more probable since a Hispanic family passed by with a catch of their own and told us how to properly fry them up. I guess we will add some seafood to our feast along with the watermelon, peas, and beets?

Man, we are so lucky to be here! We miss you all and LOVED having Miles's parents and Kira and Travis down this last weekend--we can't wait to see you all again, and we're looking forward to seeing my family at the end of July!