here's the front, and the side-y view, too(although that picture isn't the best). As you can see, we've added some flowers to our garden, which we are hoping will soon expand and cover all the front. I planted some alysum here and there specially for that purpose, Mom. :)
Miles and I each picked a ground cover plant we liked. Mine has blue flowers, and Miles's has cactus-y things and takes less water. Funny how they look the same in these pics, though!
in the back yard we're hard at work growing our garden. We plan to harvest it and eat like kings! Peas and watermelon, that is. Our leftover wedding skewers came in handy as poles for the peas. We also planted some baby tears in the shady murky spot under the bathroom window.

the mysterious hatch you see in the second picture leads to actually I just try to leave it shut most of the time and hope nothing crawls out of it. The tragic thing is, we think that the internet guy had to go in there to set up our internet, but I never saw him do it. That WOULD be a tight squeeze.
But, if you ever really get into a bind paying rent, just know that we'd be happy to do little digging and provide you with a free basement apartment! Also some beets.
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