Monday, August 8, 2011

and then the other part of the adventure...

Alright, so we took off on Sunday, loaded with snacks, gas, and books that I got from the library--we were prepared for anything! Until Vegas...
At this point I should pause and explain that our little civic has no working exhaust fan, and therefore doesn't like to go slowly in hot places where there's no air flying over the engine. That said, when we slowed down around Primm and the heat started to rise, we decided to turn off the A/C. I checked the temp outside...102 F.
We were trying to hold the leftover cool air in by keeping the windows shut, but our car turned into a greenhouse within about 2 min, so we caved and opened the windows. Miracle #1...breeze!

The next two hours or so was a bit sweaty, and especially for Miles, who hadn't changed first! There was bumper to bumper traffic at every hill because of the merge-on-and-off truck lanes, and the funniest part(miracle #2?) was the semi driver that wouldn't let anyone run up the illegal side lanes. He'd see a car coming and scoot over so that no one could pass all the people who were waiting. There was one very determined little white car that he about ran off the road. I think he was taking advantage of the fact that there was no "how is my driving? call________" sticker on the back of HIS semi. It was pretty entertaining, though!
On the last big hill the heat started to get to the point where we'd have to turn the car off. Just as I was wondering how long we'd survive living out of our car in the desert, Miles remembered a trick Robert had taught him: on went the heater... we were saved! And actually, the air was the same temp as the hot wind blowing in, anyway, so it wasn't too bad :)
The moral of the story is that prayer works--I'm pretty positive we had heavenly help on this one!
Also, Miles wins the award for best husband ever, and especially because of how patient he was all the way across that desert. My award was not for patience, unfortunately, but I do take credit for the brilliant idea to drink the used-to-be-ice bags that Kira had sent with us...cold water! :) Thanks, Kira and Travis!

Note to self: replace fan before hunting season trip across Nevada

Another adventure

We made it back, everyone! Story on that in a sec, because it was epic...
First, this weekend we had a whirlwind trip up to UT and back: we left at 11:30 am on Friday and got back at 10 pm-ish on Sunday! Best parts:

1. Ashley and Tony's sealing! This was the first temple wedding we've been to since our own, and it was soooo cool to listen to the instructions and promises all over again, and understand them better. (Uncle Lynn was right; I don't think we would remember a whole lot from our own except for the fact that Jenn and Matt wrote down all that they remembered! :)) Eternal marriage = best! And Ashley and Tony were so cute and happy. This is them riding away on Tony's motorcycle after their luncheon

2. We still can't believe how perfect it was that Aunt Jan invited everyone up to Spring Haven on Saturday! It was awesome to see everyone, and I can't believe that Ella and McKelle are talking all over the place. Also, the high 5-pound-kiss with Ella and James was hilarious!

3. Telling funny stories on the back porch with my Mom and sisters, with the may-or-may-not-have-been-working citronella candle. I think I saw Brother Wilson coming out to see what all the noise was--that was so fun! And hey, we even managed to bring your hanger back, Mom! :) Too bad we left our pillow at Kira and Travis's house, huh?

4. Hanging out with Aubree and Clint and their kids at church. They have about the cutest little family in the world, and between McKelle skiing around in Aubree Ann's(sp?) flip flops and almost shutting her head in the door, and Brinlee's interpretive dancing, I was laughing the whole time. You guys are the best, and I'm so glad we managed to see ALL the siblings this trip. Ok, minus Steven and Melissa and the out-of-staters.